Tag Archives: Second Time Around

Prompt for the Day: “Second Time Around”

The wonderful readers from the Daily Post division of Word Press chose “Second Time Around” for today’s prompt to help us create new works of word craft for them to devour.  They also included a single imploring question-“Tell us about a book you can read again and again without getting bored — what is it that speaks to you?”

Most every Book I Own

I have read over and over and over..till they literally start falling apart!  The paperback editions tend to handle the wear much worse than the hardbacks I own.  My paper back copy of “How to Win Friends & Influence People” by Dale Carnegie has so many book marked pages in it do to me rereading it at least once a year!  The whole “Harry Potter” series by J. K. Rowling has me and my husband fighting over the chance to reread each book.  We actually own the entire DVD collection of the movies based on each book, but I prefer actually reading the books.  My imagination is a lot more vivid than the movies depict each book to be.  Also have the entire Valdemar series by author Mercedes Lackey.  Only two of which I managed to be able to obtain in hardback.  (Started reading them in junior high school, so limited finances at the time!)

Please Help Fight this Evil Disease

The medicine my neurologist has put me on for my multiple sclerosis is called Tysabri. Trying to find the actual cost on the internet is nearly impossible. I remember when I first started on the drug the amount the facility tried charging me was well over $2500. There was no way my husband and I could afford that every 28 days! Biogen (the company that manufactures the drug) has been helping us with some of the cost of the drug, but will not continue helping indefinitely. So I have started a Go Fund Me campaign. To contribute to the fund, click on the following link: https://www.gofundme.com/zfabhdes